Mulberry leaves, twigs, fruit, and roots contain the most valuable nutrition
that one needs
The Story of Hong Kong Mulberry Farm
桑果園自2008年2月,正式向外開放,接待的團體及自由旅遊人士共超過十萬。桑果園開放後,除為旅遊人士提供一個消閒好去處,免費試飲桑茶、桑果汁,更設有專題講座, 讓參觀者認識桑的歷史文化及種植桑樹技巧,並介紹桑葉、桑椹、桑枝、桑根及桑寄生的各種療效,保健及飲用方法等。桑樹全身都是寶,桑果園負責人自認識桑樹的好處後,致力把桑製成各種產品,適合關注糖尿、血壓高和膽固醇高的人士食用或是飲用。
Since February 2008, the orchard was opened to the public. The number of travelers has been over 100,000 people per year. With the mulberry orchard opening, it provides a good place for travelers to relax, drink mulberry tea and mulberry juice for free, and enjoy the rural areas in Hong Kong. We also offer special talks to let visitors understand mulberry's history and culture, plant mulberry trees, and introduce health information about mulberry leaves, mulberries, and mulberry twigs.
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如有一般查詢或反饋,請與我們聯繫。For general inquiries or feedback, please get in touch with us.
+852 2674 6166
24 小時
60 港元