Coupons (優惠券)
細盒桑葉茶 (買五送一)
凡購買任何一款80克細款桑葉茶,買滿5盒可送1盒。選購6盒細款桑葉茶後, 請購物車裡的‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼 5+1,結賬時會自動扣除一盒細茶的費用。
When you buy ten boxes of 80g mulberry tea, you will get an extra pack of 80g mulberry tea for free. Please enter the promotional code 5+1 on the ‘Add Coupon’ column in the shopping cart after purchasing six boxes. We will automatically deduct the cost of a pack of mulberry tea for you at checkout.
大盒桑葉茶 (買三送一)
凡購買任何大盒桑葉茶、桑枝茶或桑菊杞子茶,買滿3盒可送1盒,選購4盒大款桑葉茶後,請在購物車裡的‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼 3+1,結賬時會自動扣除一盒大茶的費用。
When you buy any three large boxes of Mulberry Leaf Tea, Mulberry Twig Tea, or Mulberry Chrysanthemum Tea, you will get an extra pack of large mulberry tea for free. Please enter the promotional code 3+1 on the ‘Add Coupon’ column in the shopping cart after purchasing four large boxes. We will automatically deduct the cost of a pack of mulberry tea for you at checkout.
濃縮桑果汁 (買十送二)
凡購買濃縮果汁, 買滿10瓶可送2瓶,選購12瓶濃縮果汁後,請在購物車裡的 ‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼10+2,結賬時會自動扣除2瓶濃縮果汁的費用。
When you buy ten bottles of concentrated mulberry juice, you will get two bottles for free. Please enter the promotional code 10+2 on the ‘Add Coupon’ column in the shopping cart after purchasing twelve concentrated juice. We will automatically deduct the cost of two bottles for you at checkout.
原味桑果汁 (買十一送一)
凡購買原味桑果汁, 買滿11瓶可送1瓶,選購12瓶原味桑果汁後,請在購物車裡的 ‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼11+1,結賬時會自動扣除1瓶原味桑果汁的費用。
When you buy eleven bottles of original mulberry juice, you will get one bottle for free. Please enter the promotional code 11+1 on the ‘Add Coupon’ column in the shopping cart after purchasing twelve original juice bottles. We will automatically deduct the cost of one bottle for you at checkout.
凡購買桑紅酒, 買滿5瓶可送1瓶,選購5瓶桑紅酒後,請在購物車裡的 ‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼W5+1,結賬時會自動扣除1瓶桑紅酒的費用。
When you buy five bottles of mulberry wine, you will get one bottle for free. Please enter the promotional code W5+1 on the ‘Add Coupon’ column in the shopping cart after purchasing five mulberry wine. We will automatically deduct the cost of one bottle for you at checkout.
有果桑酵素 (買六送一)
凡購買有果桑酵素, 買滿6瓶可送1瓶,選購7瓶桑紅酒後,請在購物車裡的 ‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼6+1,結賬時會自動扣除1瓶有果桑酵素的費用。
When you buy six bottles of mulberry enzymes with fruit, you will get one bottle for free. Please enter the promotional code 6+1 on the 'Add Coupon' column in the shopping cart after purchasing six mulberry enzymes with fruit bottles. We will automatically deduct the cost of one bottle for you at checkout.
大盒桑松茶 (買四送一)
凡購買大盒桑松茶,買滿4盒可送1盒,選購5盒大桑松茶後,請在購物車裡的‘加入優惠卷’欄上,輸入促銷代碼 4+1,結賬時會自動扣除一盒大桑松茶的費用。
When you buy four large boxes of Mulberry Pine Tea, you will get an extra pack of large mulberry tea for free. Please enter the promotional code 4+1 on the 'Add Coupon' column in the shopping cart after purchasing four large boxes. We will automatically deduct the cost of a pack of mulberry pine tea for you at checkout.