桑製健康食品兼具“藥”“食”兩種效果。無一般茶的苦澀味。桑葉含人體所需的18中氨基酸,維生素B1, B2, C,及礦元素。其內含一種特殊降糖物質(DNJ)能有效延緩澱粉轉化為糖分經小腸進入體內,令餐後血糖值不致過高。桑茶不含咖啡因,故沒有飲茶後不能睡眠的反應,相反有安神作用,令人易於入睡。此茶清肝明目,寧神安睡,清肺熱止咳,補血美容,通便益腎。適合關注血糖,血壓,膽固醇人士飲用。
細桑葉茶 (Mulberry Leaf Tea)
Mulberry leaves contain 18 Amino Acids, Vitamins, B1, B2, C, is rich in minerals like zinc, iron and calcium along with other essential nutrients. Researchers have found that mulberry leaves contain compounds that restrain intestinal enzymes from passing sugars into the bloodstream. This inhibitor compound known as 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), can only be found in the mulberry leaf, not from any animals nor other plants.Mulberry tea can help detoxify the liver, improve eyesight, improve sleep quality, clear lungs, enhance beauty and relieve constipation.